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Posts Tagged ‘simultaneous users

When load testing an application, the first set of tests should focus on measuring the maximum throughput. This is especially true of multi-user, interactive applications like web applications. The maximum throughput is best measured by running a few emulated users with zero think time. This means that each emulated user sends a request, receives a response and immediately loops back to send the next request. Although this is artificial, it is the best way to quickly determine the maximum performance of the server infrastructure.
<h2>Little’s Law</h2>
Once you have that throughput (say X), we can use Little’s Law to estimate the number of real simultaneous users that the application can support. In simple terms, Little’s Law states that :

N = X  / λ

where N is the number of concurrent users,  λ is the average arrival rate and X is the throughput. Note that the arrival rate is the inverse of the inter-arrival time i.e. the time between requests.

To understand this better, let’s take a concrete example from some tests I ran on a basic PHP script deployed in an apache server. The maximum throughput obtained was 2011.763 requests/sec with an average response time of 6.737 ms, an average think time of 0.003 secs when running 20 users. The arrival rate is the inverse of the inter-arrival time which is the sum of the response time and think time. In this case, X is .2011.763 and λ is 1/(0.006737 + 0.003). Therefore,

N = X / λ  = 2011.763 * 0.009737 = 19.5885

This is pretty close to the actual number of emulated users which is 20.


Estimating Concurrent Users

This is all well and good, but how does this help us in estimating the number of real concurrent users (with non-zero think time) that the system can support ? Using the same example as above, let us assume that if this were a real application, the average inter-arrival time is 5 seconds. Using Little’s Law, we can now compute N as :

N = X /λ  = 2011.763 *  5 = 10058 users.

In other words, this application running on this same infrastructure can support more than 10,000 concurrent users with an inter-arrival time of 5 seconds.

What does this say for think times ? If we assume that the application (and infrastructure) will continue to perform in the same manner as the number of connected users increase (i.e it maintains the average response time of 0.006737 seconds), the the average think time is 4.993 seconds. If the response time degrades as load goes up (which is usually the case after a certain point), then the number of users supported will also correspondingly decrease.

A well-designed application can scale linearly to support 10’s or 100’s of thousands of users. In the case of large websites like Facebook , Ebay and Flickr, the applications scale to handle millions of users. But obviously, these companies have invested tremendously to ensure that their applications and software infrastructure can scale.

Little’s Law can be used to estimate the maximum number of concurrent users that your application can support. As such, it is a handy tool to get a quick, rough idea. For example, if Little’s Law indicates that the application can only support 10,000 users but your target is really 20,000 users, you know you have work to do to improve basic performance.

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